Materials Sustainability
Vinsi has developed sound competences in materials science technical support for the sustainability of materials used in construction.
We differentiate ourselves from other consulting firms through our expertise and technical knowledge, particularly in the fields of corrosion science and durability assurance.
The environments in which the assets and asset components are exposed to are varied and aggressive, and may vary on macro, meso and micro levels. Material types are also wide-ranging including concretes, metals, polymers, protective coatings and a range of specialty and proprietary items.
We understand the flow-through effects of materials sustainability and durability from initial planning to construction. Our involvement helps in qualifying the risks of materials deterioration, use of preventative measures to protect these materials, the feasibility of remedial actions and ongoing preventative maintenance. These need to be balanced to arrive at the best whole-of-life solutions.
Vinsi takes great pride in the knowledge that our materials science advice is independent without any conflicts of interest associated with the supply of materials, equipment, or laboratory testing services. We are also not conflicted by any commercial relationships with suppliers, technology providers or contractors. The Directors of Vinsi are also not Directors other companies that supply equipment and materials that would then be conflicted by any project consultancy.
Vinsi, its officers, and employees also provide such non-conflicted advice without any form of collusive behaviour with any entity.
Lower embodied carbon
Materials durability
Specialist materials durability monitoring, analysis, and lifetime prediction
Reduced life cycle costs
Reduced maintenance and repair costs
Establish predictable maintenance actions and costs
Initiate accountable maintenance management
The Vinsi Advantage
Vinsi Materials Sustainability Services
Materials science support
Technical support
Inspection and monitoring requirements
Specialist inspection, testing and monitoring support
Specialist monitoring equipment design
Commissioning support
Provision of ongoing technical assistance
Materials science support
Tender durability assessment and design
Tender durability plans
Materials science support
In-team training workshops
Durability assessment and modeling
Durability Plans/Durability Assessment Reports
Durability Checklists
Supplier questionnaire development and liaison